Foyle Foodbank Annual Report 2020
26th January 2022
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Foyle Foodbank Annual Report 2020 indicates that food was provided to 6,805 people in 2020, up almost 75% from 2019. The extra demand was a direct effect of the pandemic, which devastated so many lives. Foyle Foodbank became a key front-line organisation during the lockdowns and responded by extending its service to a 5-day opening. The two additional days allowed us to distribute almost 60 tonnes of food and hygiene products, up 123% on 2019. Two factors were vital in ensuring that the Foodbank could meet the increasing need. Firstly, the commitment of our volunteer workforce and secondly, the general public’s generosity.
We are hugely indebted to our volunteers, who are among the unsung heroes of the pandemic. They put their lives on the line to ensure that no one went hungry. Volunteers worked according to health and safety guidelines at all times. Still, their bravery, selflessness, and commitment allowed the Foodbank to operate at maximum capacity to support all those in need.
There was a total of 7,788 volunteer hours worked in 2020 an increase of 130%.
We can only describe the support given to the Foodbank during the pandemic as overwhelming and humbling. We received considerable quantities of food donations and very generous financial support, much of it anonymously provided by local businesses and members of the general public. 65 tonnes of food and hygiene products were donated in 2020 an increase of 63%. Financial donations (as recorded in the annual Financial Statement) allowed for the inclusion of ‘fresh food vouchers’ in our food parcels to the value of £10, £20 or £30; depending on family size, and redeemable in local shops for fresh meat, fruit and vegetables.
Despite being one of the most economically deprived areas in Britain and Ireland, the Foyle Community is undoubtedly one of the most generous.
Financial donations are now being converted into ‘Fresh Food Vouchers’. The vouchers are offered to families and individuals in crisis to buy fresh meat, vegetables and fruit in participating local shops.
Being able to buy fresh food is something which most of us take for granted – so, it’s great that together we can make a difference for those in crisis at this time.